Prepare for Cyber Insurance Underwriting
Any business that stores their own financial data or any personal customer data such as phone numbers, credit card numbers, or Social Security numbers either online or on a computer are at risk of a cyber attack and may be helped by obtaining a cybersecurity insurance policy.
As the number of attacks continues to grow, insurers have started intensively scrutinizing their clients’ cybersecurity practices and operational security. They are expecting policyholders to do more than just protect their data and systems. To ensure your organization has the right level of insurance when you need it most, it is critical to prepare for the application process itself.
Prevent Future Breaches
VULNERA Solutions
Identify vulnerabilities, prioritize risk, and build a remediation roadmap over a multi-week engagement.
Short-term (60-90 days) asset discovery, continuous vulnerability scanning, and remediation validation.
How VULNERA Helps You

Gain Asset Insights
Identify what assets and services are connecting to your network and which have access to systems and sensitive data

Test & Audit Security Controls
Automated, high-level tests look for and report on any potential vulnerabilities in the environment

Strengthen Security Posture
After mitigating discovered vulnerabilities, re-scan to validate that your controls are effective

Reduce Organizational Risk
Take the appropriate steps to identify exposures, remediate vulnerabilities, and reduce exposure