PoC Exploit Released for Recent Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Flaw

July 10, 2023

A vulnerability recently patched in Ubiquiti's EdgeRouter and AirCube devices could be exploited to execute arbitrary code, according to SSD Secure Disclosure, a firm that reports on such vulnerabilities. The flaw, identified as CVE-2023-31998, is a heap overflow vulnerability that can be exploited through a LAN connection. Ubiquiti has stated that an attacker exploiting this flaw could potentially disrupt the UPnP service to a vulnerable device.

SSD Secure Disclosure's advisory highlights that the vulnerability is located in the MiniUPnPd service of the affected devices. It notes that attackers on the same LAN could potentially exploit it to 'overflow an internal heap and potentially execute arbitrary code'. The firm also provides technical details about the vulnerability and reveals that a proof-of-concept (PoC) code targeting the flaw is available. However, it specifically targets the bug on Ubiquiti EdgeRouterX devices, which are also affected.

SSD Secure Disclosure further noted that the issue was addressed in MiniUPnPd, but no CVE identifier was assigned for it. It's possible that vulnerable versions of MiniUPnPd were shipped with other networking devices. The firm also suggested that 'It is likely that other products relying either directly on upstream MiniUPnPd, or on router distribution such as OpenWrt, VyOS or DD-WRT still ship today with vulnerable MiniUPnPd'.

In late June, Ubiquiti released software updates for the affected UPnP-enabled EdgeRouter (firmware version 2.0.9-hotfix.7) and AirCube (firmware version 2.8.9) devices. While there's no evidence that the vulnerability has been exploited in attacks, it is highly recommended that Ubiquiti users update their devices promptly.

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